Results for 'Rudolf G. Wagner'

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  1.  18
    154. Es gibt Bücher, die mehr als Bücher sind.Rudolf G. Binding - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand, Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 226-226.
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    Effects of visual and verbal cues on learning a motor skill.Lawrence Karlin & Rudolf G. Mortimer - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (6):608.
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    Effect of verbal, visual, and auditory augmenting cues on learning a complex motor skill.Lawrence Karlin & Rudolf G. Mortimer - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (1):75.
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    VII. Der Oxyrhynchos-Notenpapyrus.Rudolf Wagner - 1923 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 79 (2):201-221.
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    X. Der Berliner Notenpapyrus.Rudolf Wagner - 1921 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 77 (1-4):256-310.
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    Zum Wiederaufleben der antiken Musikschriftsteller seit dem 16. Jahrhundert Ein Beitrag zur Frage: Kircher oder Plndar?Rudolf Wagner - 1936 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 91 (1-4):161-173.
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    C. Zur erklärung- und kritik der schrifsteller.Hugo Weber, Th Struve, C. G. Linder, Philipp Wagner, W. Fröhner, J. Mähly & M. Hertz - 1861 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 17 (1):163-179.
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  8. Probability kinematics and commutativity.Carl G. Wagner - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (2):266-278.
    The so-called "non-commutativity" of probability kinematics has caused much unjustified concern. When identical learning is properly represented, namely, by identical Bayes factors rather than identical posterior probabilities, then sequential probability-kinematical revisions behave just as they should. Our analysis is based on a variant of Field's reformulation of probability kinematics, divested of its (inessential) physicalist gloss.
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  9. Considerations in ethical decision-making and software piracy.Suzanne C. Wagner & G. Lawrence Sanders - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 29 (1-2):161 - 167.
    Individuals are faced with the many opportunities to pirate. The decision to pirate or not may be related to an individual''s attitudes toward other ethical issues. A person''s ethical and moral predispositions and the judgments that they use to make decisions may be consistent across various ethical dilemmas and may indicate their likelihood to pirate software. This paper investigates the relationship between religion and a theoretical ethical decision making process that an individual uses when evaluating ethical or unethical situations. An (...)
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  10. Modus tollens probabilized.Carl G. Wagner - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (4):747-753.
    We establish a probabilized version of modus tollens, deriving from p(E|H)=a and p()=b the best possible bounds on p(). In particular, we show that p() 1 as a, b 1, and also as a, b 0. Introduction Probabilities of conditionals Conditional probabilities 3.1 Adams' thesis 3.2 Modus ponens for conditional probabilities 3.3 Modus tollens for conditional probabilities.
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  11. Peer Disagreement and Independence Preservation.Carl G. Wagner - 2011 - Erkenntnis 74 (2):277-288.
    It has often been recommended that the differing probability distributions of a group of experts should be reconciled in such a way as to preserve each instance of independence common to all of their distributions. When probability pooling is subject to a universal domain condition, along with state-wise aggregation, there are severe limitations on implementing this recommendation. In particular, when the individuals are epistemic peers whose probability assessments are to be accorded equal weight, universal preservation of independence is, with a (...)
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  12. Old Evidence and New Explanation III.Carl G. Wagner - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (3):S165 - S175.
    Garber (1983) and Jeffrey (1991, 1995) have both proposed solutions to the old evidence problem. Jeffrey's solution, based on a new probability revision method called reparation, has been generalized to the case of uncertain old evidence and probabilistic new explanation in Wagner 1997, 1999. The present paper reformulates some of the latter work, highlighting the central role of Bayes factors and their associated uniformity principle, and extending the analysis to the case in which an hypothesis bears on a countable (...)
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  13. What Is a Language? Who Is Bilingual? Perceptions Underlying Self-Assessment in Studies of Bilingualism.Danika Wagner, Ellen Bialystok & John G. Grundy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research on the cognitive consequences of bilingualism typically proceeds by labeling participants as “monolingual” or “bilingual” and comparing performance on some measures across these groups. It is well-known that this approach has led to inconsistent results. However, the approach assumes that there are clear criteria to designate individuals as monolingual or bilingual, and more fundamentally, to determine whether a communication system counts as a unique language. Both of these assumptions may not be correct. The problem is particularly acute when participants (...)
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    Evolution of evolvability.G. P. Wagner & J. Draghi - 2010 - In Massimo Pigliucci & Gerd Müller, Evolution: The Modern Synthesis The Definitive Edition Edition. MIT Press. pp. 379--399.
    This chapter offers an essay on the evolution of evolvability. It investigates the most frequently cited arguments against the possibility that the evolution of evolvability might be the result of selection favoring more evolvable genotypes. The chapter argues that all these arguments have not been rigorously analyzed by their proponents, and are thus a self-inflicted blind spot in evolutionary biology, and indicates that there are no deep conceptual obstacles for population genetic theory to explain the evolution of evolvability. The very (...)
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  15. Old evidence and new explanation.Carl G. Wagner - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):677-691.
    Jeffrey has devised a probability revision method that increases the probability of hypothesis H when it is discovered that H implies previously known evidence E. A natural extension of Jeffrey's method likewise increases the probability of H when E has been established with sufficiently high probability and it is then discovered, quite apart from this, that H confers sufficiently higher probability on E than does its logical negation H̄.
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  16. Old evidence and new explanation II.Carl G. Wagner - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (2):283-288.
    Additional results are reported on the author's earlier generalization of Richard Jeffrey's solution to the problem of old evidence and new explanation.
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    Consensus for belief functions and related uncertainty measures.Carl G. Wagner - 1989 - Theory and Decision 26 (3):295-304.
  18. The corroboration paradox.Carl G. Wagner - 2013 - Synthese 190 (8):1455-1469.
    Evidentiary propositions E 1 and E 2, each p-positively relevant to some hypothesis H, are mutually corroborating if p > p, i = 1, 2. Failures of such mutual corroboration are instances of what may be called the corroboration paradox. This paper assesses two rather different analyses of the corroboration paradox due, respectively, to John Pollock and Jonathan Cohen. Pollock invokes a particular embodiment of the principle of insufficient reason to argue that instances of the corroboration paradox are of negligible (...)
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    Generalized probability kinematics.Carl G. Wagner - 1992 - Erkenntnis 36 (2):245 - 257.
    Jeffrey conditionalization is generalized to the case in which new evidence bounds the possible revisions of a prior below by a Dempsterian lower probability. Classical probability kinematics arises within this generalization as the special case in which the evidentiary focal elements of the bounding lower probability are pairwise disjoint.
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    On the necessity of a systems theory of evolution and its population biologic foundation: Comments on dr. regelmann's article.G. P. Wagner - 1983 - Acta Biotheoretica 32 (3):223-226.
  21. Sobre inciensos, trances y (algunas) diosas. Una perspectiva etnobotánica.Carlos G. Wagner - 2010 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 15:91-103.
    The incense used in some cults and oracles in antiquity seems to have possessed the power to induce visions and prophecies. a study of its components, from an ethnobotanical perspective, reveals us their psychoactive power.
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    Corroboration and conditional positive relevance.Carl G. Wagner - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 61 (3):295 - 300.
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    Feedback selection and the evolution of modifiers.G. P. Wagner - 1981 - Acta Biotheoretica 30 (2):79-102.
    The problem of modifier evolution was examined with regard to the idea that modifier evolution can be considered as a result of selection for adaptation speed in populations far from equilibrium. This kind of selection was called feedback selection in order to emphasize the difference to theories which consider modifier evolution near the equilibrium. The basic principles of this kind of selection are derived for asexual populations and the problem of dominance is discussed in the light of this concept. In (...)
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    Philosophical Logic.Steven J. Wagner & G. H. von Wright - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (3):427.
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    The vexing role of replicators in evolutionary change.G. P. Wagner - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (2):232-236.
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    Recovering a Prior from a Posterior: Some Parameterizations of Jeffrey Conditioning.Carl G. Wagner - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-10.
    Given someone’s fully specified posterior probability distribution q and information about the revision method that they employed to produce q, what can you infer about their prior probabilistic commitments? This question provides an entrée into a thoroughgoing discussion of a class of parameterizations of Jeffrey conditioning in which the parameters furnish information above and beyond that incorporated in \. Our analysis highlights the ubiquity of Bayes factors in the study of probability revision.
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    Regeln für die alphabetische Katalogisierung von Druck-schriften in den islamischen Sprachen : Auf Grund von Beratungen eines Gremiums von FachbibliothekarenRegeln fur die alphabetische Katalogisierung von Druck-schriften in den islamischen Sprachen : Auf Grund von Beratungen eines Gremiums von Fachbibliothekaren.G. C. M. & Ewald Wagner - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):617.
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    Die Kammer für soziale Ordnung der EKD – Reflektionen zur historischen Entwicklung, Politikberatung und zum Arbeitsprogramm in der Berufungsperiode 2004 bis 2009.Gert G. Wagner & Traugott Jähnichen - 2007 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 51 (3):215-221.
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    21. Emendationes Athenaei.Fr G. Wagner - 1847 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 2 (3):472-480.
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  30. Komponenten des Informationsbegriffs.G. P. Wagner - 1980 - Philosophia Naturalis 18 (2/3):301.
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  31. Les enfants d'Abraham ou les chemins de la promesse et de la liberté. Exégèse de Galates 4, 21 à 31.G. Wagner - 1991 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 71 (3):285-295.
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    Mental Physiology.Charles G. Wagner & Theo B. Hyslop - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5 (3):303.
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    Postscript to Richard Jeffrey’s “Conditioning, Kinematics, and Exchangeability”.Carl G. Wagner - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (3):631-643.
    Richard Jeffrey’s “Conditioning, Kinematics, and Exchangeability” is one of the foundational documents of probability kinematics. However, the section entitled “Successive Updating” contains a subtle error regarding the applicability of updating by so-called relevance quotients in order to ensure the commutativity of successive probability kinematical revisions. Upon becoming aware of this error, Jeffrey formulated the appropriate remedy, but he never discussed the issue in print. To head off any confusion, it seems worthwhile to alert readers of Jeffrey’s “Conditioning, Kinematics, and Exchangeability” (...)
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    Simpson's Paradox and the Fisher-Newcomb Problem.Carl G. Wagner - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 40 (1):185-194.
    It is shown that the Fisher smoking problem and Newcomb's problem are decisiontheoretically identical, each having at its core an identical case of Simpson's paradox for certain probabilities. From this perspective, incorrect solutions to these problems arise from treating them as cases of decisionmaking under risk, while adopting certain global empirical conditional probabilities as the relevant subjective probabihties. The most natural correct solutions employ the methodology of decisionmaking under uncertainty with lottery acts, with certain local empirical conditional probabilities adopted as (...)
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    Simpson's Paradox and the Fisher-Newcomb Problem.Carl G. Wagner - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 40 (1):185-194.
    It is shown that the Fisher smoking problem and Newcomb's problem are decisiontheoretically identical, each having at its core an identical case of Simpson's paradox for certain probabilities. From this perspective, incorrect solutions to these problems arise from treating them as cases of decisionmaking under risk, while adopting certain global empirical conditional probabilities as the relevant subjective probabihties. The most natural correct solutions employ the methodology of decisionmaking under uncertainty with lottery acts, with certain local empirical conditional probabilities adopted as (...)
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    Two Dogmas of Probabilism.Carl G. Wagner - 2003 - In Erik Olsson, The Epistemology of Keith Lehrer. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 143--152.
  37.  46
    The Gene and its phenotype.G. P. Wagner - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (1):105-115.
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  38.  54
    The Smith-Walley Interpretation of Subjective Probability: An Appreciation.Carl G. Wagner - 2007 - Studia Logica 86 (2):343-350.
    The right interpretation of subjective probability is implicit in the theories of upper and lower odds, and upper and lower previsions, developed, respectively, by Cedric Smith (1961) and Peter Walley (1991). On this interpretation you are free to assign contingent events the probability 1 (and thus to employ conditionalization as a method of probability revision) without becoming vulnerable to a weak Dutch book.
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    Universality and Its Discontents.Carl G. Wagner - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):39-44.
    In framing the concept of rational consensus, decision theorists have tended to defer to an older, established literature on social welfare theory for guidance on how to proceed. But the uncritical adoption of standards meant to regulate the reconciliation of differing interests has unduly burdened the development of rational methods for the synthesis of differing judgments. In particular, the universality conditions typically postulated in social welfare theory, which derive from fundamentally ethical considerations, preclude a sensitive treatment of special cases when (...)
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    On extremal axioms.Rudolf Carnap, Friedrich Bachmann & H. G. Bohnert - 1981 - History and Philosophy of Logic 2 (1-2):67-85.
    In the paper translated here, Carnap and Bachmann shows that the apparently metalinguistic ?extremal' axioms that are added to some axiom systems to the effect that the foregoing axioms are to apply as broadly, or as narrowly, as possible may be formulated directly as proper axioms. They analyze such axioms into four fundamental types, with the help of a concept of ?complete? isomorphism.
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    Le concept husserlien de noème.Rudolf Bernet & G. Granel - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Rudolf Carnap.Pierre Wagner - unknown
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  43. Commuting probability revisions: The uniformity rule. [REVIEW]Carl G. Wagner - 2003 - Erkenntnis 59 (3):349-364.
    A simple rule of probability revision ensures that the final result ofa sequence of probability revisions is undisturbed by an alterationin the temporal order of the learning prompting those revisions.This Uniformity Rule dictates that identical learning be reflectedin identical ratios of certain new-to-old odds, and is grounded in the oldBayesian idea that such ratios represent what is learned from new experiencealone, with prior probabilities factored out. The main theorem of this paperincludes as special cases (i) Field's theorem on commuting probability-kinematical (...)
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    A Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts (New Series) in the Princeton University Library.G. B., Rudolf Mach & Eric L. Ormsby - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):197.
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  45.  23
    A measurement of the language ability of deaf children.Rudolf Pintner & Donald G. Paterson - 1916 - Psychological Review 23 (6):413-436.
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    A Scale of Performance Tests.Rudolf Pintner & Donald G. Paterson - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (5):134-137.
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  47.  19
    Goethe As the Founder of a New Science of Aesthetics.Rudolf Steiner, G. Metaxa & Harry Collison - 1942 - Literary Licensing, LLC.
  48. La philosophie de la liberté (Observations de l''me conduites selon la méthode scientifique.Rudolf Steiner & G. Ducommun - 1966 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 71 (1):103-108.
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  49. Zur Kantinterpretation der Gegenwart. Rudolf Zocher und Heinz Heimsoeth.H. Wagner - 1961 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 53 (2):235.
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    Die Aktualität der Transzendentalphilosophie: Hans Wagner zum 60. Geburtstag.Hans Wagner, Gerhart Schmidt & Gerd Wolandt (eds.) - 1977 - Bonn: Bouvier.
    Barion, J. Was es heisst, ein Philosoph zu sein.--Flach, W. Die Objektivität der Erkenntnis.--Schmidt, G. Die Transzendentalität des Seingedankens.--Winterhager, E. Das Sich-Haben des Subjekts.--Hartmann, K. Analytische und kategoriale Transzendentalphilosophie.--Marx, W. Systemidee und die Problematik ihrer Begründung.--Röd, W. Transzendentalphilosophie und deskriptive Philosophie als wissenschaftliche Theorien.--Vuillemin, J. Caractères et fonctions des signes.--Ritzel, W. Zur Theorie praktischer Wissenschaft.--Hufnagel, E. Relationen--zum Streit um die pädagogische Anthropologie.--Derbolav, J. Politik und Moral.--Wolandt, G. Standpunkte der Kunstphilosophie.
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